Free Walking Tour Berlin

When: Every day 10am & 12pm every day
Where: The meeting point is in front of the ehemaliges Kaiserliches Postfuhramt Berlin, Oranienburger Straße, 10117 Berlin, Germany, next to the entrance.
Price: Free

The Legacy of the Berlin Wall: How it Shaped History

by | Oct 22, 2024 | Original Berlin

Extraordinary momentous historical events are few and relative to the vastness of the twentieth century, but among them, none can compare to the Berlin Wall. Constructed this year as Cooperville and the Soviet Union a symbol of nearly thirty years of division most notably the cold war.

The Rise of the Berlin Wall

The Berlin Wall was built by the Government of the German Democratic Republic for free movement of people from East Berlin to West Berlin, which was under the occupation of the Democratic forces. The GDR stated that the construction of the wall was done in order to shield it citizens from the influences from the western capitalist world. But it was then realized that it was mainly aimed at stopping the population of first-rate skilled workers and educated people who were so essential for East Germany’s economy.

The Effects of the Change on the Berliner’s Lifestyle

The construction of the Berlin Wall in a single day drastically changed the fate of Berliners – being separated by it they lost access to their beloved ones and even neighbours. Loved ones were not allowed to visit or call one another, or see each other in any way they wanted. One day, suddenly the standard of living as well as the economical facilities available in the new segment of Berlin – the West – became out of reach for the East Berliners. Again, the wall was established as a physical manifestation, of the political split between the two zones: the East and the West, and served as a poster to the dictatorship and suppression of the people.

To the west Berliners the construction of the wall gave them a continuous reminder of the threat posed by the Soviet Union and East Germany. It gave me a feeling of loneliness and a wall of concrete that one has to only get over with some strict permission. The wall also served a function to remind the disputed ideology between the two sides of the east and west side of the world.

Part I: International Relations since the Cold War and Superpower Confrontation

The Berlin Wall played prominent role of the superpower competition and the number one leader of the free world and the communistic enemy in the Cold War. The construction of the wall was the physical Bar separating the capitalist world and the communism, this deepened the ideological rivalry between the two superpowers.

The Cuban Missile Crisis

Officially, the closest association between the construction of the Berlin Wall and a certain event is the Cuban Missile Crisis. In October of 1962, the USSR sought to place nuclear tipped missiles in Cuba, only 90 miles off the shore of the United States. While this act put the world before the precipice of a nuclear war between the US and the Soviet Union.

During this crisis the main symbol that really helped to recall the division of ideologies was the Berlin Wall. The concept of the wall was viewed by the United States as a statement of communist threat and an aggravated factor in the war. It increased the concern that Soviet Union continues westward expansion and strengthen belief in containment strategies.

The Fall of the Berlin Wall: Symbol of Unity

It took almost 29 years for this division and after this Sinelese divided into two parts by the Berlin wall broke down in 1989. This made the event the final push to the end of the Cold War era and a blas in world history.

The Power of the People

The victory over the Berline Wall was the triumph of people and the longing for freedom and and the victory for unity. The influx of mass protests, demand for political change, the changing of the guard in governments, and new political winds played their part in the sending of the wall. The breaking down of Germany into east and west was the symbol of authoritarianism, but when the two were reunified, it was an indication that the cold war was coming to an end.

Symbol of Hope and Change

The dismantling of the Berlin Wall was shipped to mean the new optimism for both Germany as a country and the entire globe. It symbolized the ending of a dictatorial leadership the triumph of freedom and democracy.

Further, the result of the history was destabilization of world politics after the fall of the Berlin Wall. This comes as the end of bipolar world of America and Russia system eventually bringing a new power system and political realignment in the world.

Legacy and Lessons Learned

The Berlin Wall is symbolic of separation and what a society is capable of when a part of it seeks to oppress the other it knew not. It is an annual appreciation of the rule of law, protection of individual liberties, democracy and call for non-violent means of solving conflicts.

Uniting a Divided Nation

The separation of Germany into two different states was effectively united once again after the break up of the Berlin wall. In this respect, it was a model for other countries whereby they worked through their problems – a model of the decolonized future that was on the horizon.

Moving Beyond the Walls

Symbolism of the aftermath of the division of the city by the construction of the Berlin Wall does not only end with the physical barrier. It was a reminder to all that the walls which are built do not solve challenges; instead, they only make the issue worse by creating barriers for trust. This show takes its cue from the fact that the Berlin Wall has fallen, and so should many other walls that people erect to separate themselves from others.

Thus, the panels sum up the fact that the division by the Berlin Wall was characteristic of the 20th century. The social organization has been seen to have had a role in the social history of Germany as well as the entire world. It also symbolized the unity of the east and west until its construction and eventual..

It also contributed to aggravating the tensions of the cold war and created the basis of the new world politics. The presence of the division as the wall is a great example of how one should never forget the lessons that has been left by history such as unity, freedom.

Thank you for reading. If you're inspired by the stories of Berlin and want to delve deeper, why not join us on our Free Berlin Walking Tour? It's a wonderful way to immerse yourself in the city's rich history and vibrant culture. We look forward to welcoming you soon.


  • 3.5 hours walking tour
  • Berlin’s major highlights
  • Brandenburg Gate
  • Reichstag and Berlin Wall
  • Historical sites

Free Walking Tour Berlin

When: Every day 10am & 12pm every day
Where: The meeting point is in front of the ehemaliges Kaiserliches Postfuhramt Berlin, Oranienburger Straße, 10117 Berlin, Germany, next to the entrance.
Price: Free