The event that divides the world history was the fall of the Berlin Wall in November of 1989. It was period of tremendous importance as the wall and its demolition led to the German reunification which was followed by end of cold war. It is high time we discuss the circumstances of this significant event and histories, reasons, and outcomes.
Historical Context: The Division of Germany
Following World War II, Germany was divided into two separate countries: the Federal Republic of Germany, known as West Germany and the German Democratic Republic also referred to as East Germany. It was a fallout of the Cold war conflict between the United States of America and the union of Soviet socialist republics that saw the formation of two conflicting political and economical worlds.
The construction of the barriers that split Berlin into East and West started in August, 1961. It was to stop East Germans from escaping to the liberties of West which was a far more affluent region. The wall also became a symbol of the Split’ East and West: communism throughout the Eastern Bloc versus democracy containing the capitalist or the First World.
The arising factors leading to the fall of are as follows;
Several conditions played out to lead to the demise of this barrier and it is on these basis that the Dissection of the Breakthroughs that toppled the Berlin Wall film hinged. Among them was the systematically diminishing influence of the Soviet Union throughout the duration of the war. economical crisis in the Soviet economy occurred not long after the 1980s and the attractive power of communism began to weaken.
Further, the Fiat company of Italy also started using a new slogan:‘Drive a Fiat, easy to start/Noneedto बर्नthem/Iгlasnost /peristroika’. These policies were designed to solve the problems of economy existing in the Soviet Union and rose the political regime’s transparency.
Black Tuesday is also associated with dissatisfaction which was growing in East Germany. The people desired liberty of press, political changes and better standard of living. Large scale demonstration started to appear more and more in society demanding change and overthrow of the ruling regime.
The Facets of Nonviolent Revolution
On particular among these factors which contributed towards the collapse of the Berlin Wall, was the peaceful revolution experienced in East Germany. The usually non-violent protests included the “Monday Demonstrations” where thousands of citizens protested peacefully in order to be granted civil rights and an end to the repression of the East German government.
Such protests grew and from the increasing pressure on the East German political regime was felt. Finally on November 9, 1989, the East Germans government issued new travel policy that allowed citizens to move to the other side of the border.
The Night the Wall Came Down
People learnt that the restriction on travel had been eased and this came with the Bernlin Wall attracting East Germans. In the evening of the 9th of November 1989, the people from both the east and west Berlin assembled at the wall with the joy.
Pressure built up and visa-less travelers were left unattended, and eventually the border guards opened the crossing points. Some got on the wall, hugged each other, and some cut down the part of the concrete wall that had been erected. Everyone in the city rejoiced and the people expected the best for the following year.
The Reunification of Germany
The change of the Wall not only influenced Germany, but also residents of other countries. It set the stage for the unification of West and East Germany and when this process was fully formalized it was on the 3 rd of October the following year – 1990.
Once the wall came down, families were reunited, and Germany is now politically, socially, and economically integrating into Europe. It also marked the Cold war since the political and economic differences between the east and the west started regressing.
Legacy and Significance
The event which can be vividly depicted even today is the fact of the breakage of the longest wall in the world- the wall between two peoples- the Berlin Wall. It represents freedom, democracy of people’s power over fascism and dictatorships.
The event also purposely to emphasize the non-violent demonstration and became the reminder that people are able to change the world despite if the barriers are seems very high. It led to other democratic struggles across the globe and played a part in provoking the break up of communism in Eastern Europe.
The very remaining walls signify history and symbolize the indomitable spirit of man kind. These days, the wall has become a symbol of unification, of the hope to do away with barriers or wall in the world.
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