Free Walking Tour Berlin

When: Every day 10am & 12pm every day
Where: The meeting point is in front of the ehemaliges Kaiserliches Postfuhramt Berlin, Oranienburger Straße, 10117 Berlin, Germany, next to the entrance.
Price: Free

Breaking the Blockade: How Berlin Overcame the Historical Challenge

by | Mar 7, 2024 | Original Berlin

One of the defining moments of the Cold War was the Berlin Blockade, an event that occurred in the aftermath of World War II. The blockade, which isolated West Berlin from the rest of the world, was a pivotal moment for the city and its inhabitants. In this article, we will explore the timeline of the Berlin Blockade, the challenges faced by the city during this period, and ultimately, how the blockade came to an end.

The Berlin Blockade: A Brief Overview

The Berlin Blockade began on June 24, 1948, when the Soviet Union, led by Joseph Stalin, cut off all land, air, and rail routes to West Berlin. The city, located deep within Soviet-controlled East Germany, was divided into four sectors between the Allied Powers (United States, United Kingdom, France, and the Soviet Union) after World War II. The Soviet Union’s decision to blockade the city was a response to the introduction of a new currency, the Deutsche Mark, in the western sectors, controlled by the United States, United Kingdom, and France.

This move was aimed at gaining control over the entire city and forcing the Allies to abandon West Berlin. In response, the Allies launched the Berlin Airlift, a herculean effort to supply the city with food, fuel, and other essentials by air. This marked the first major international crisis of the Cold War.

Timeline of the Berlin Blockade

June 24, 1948:

The Berlin Blockade begins when the Soviet Union halts all traffic to and from West Berlin. Supplies within West Berlin began to dwindle rapidly, and the city became reliant on the Allies for its survival.

June 26, 1948:

The United States initiates the Berlin Airlift, with flights delivering supplies to West Berlin. The airlift proved to be a remarkable logistical achievement as hundreds of planes took off and landed every day.

April 1949:

The Allies successfully deliver over 200,000 flights and approximately 2.3 million tons of supplies during the Berlin Airlift. The airlift not only sustained West Berlin but also served as a powerful symbol of Western solidarity in the face of Soviet aggression.

May 12, 1949:

The Soviet Union officially lifts the blockade. The decision to end the blockade was largely due to its failure to force the Allies out of West Berlin and the immense success of the Berlin Airlift. The blockade had lasted for 322 days.

Ramifications of the Berlin Blockade

The Berlin Blockade had significant political, social, and economic consequences for both East and West Germany, as well as the rest of the world.

The Division of Germany:

The blockade further solidified the division between East and West Germany. Following the blockade, the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) was established in 1949, while the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) was established as a Soviet satellite state.

Creation of NATO and Warsaw Pact:

In response to the Berlin Blockade, the Western Allies formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1949. NATO served as a mutual defense alliance between the United States and Western European countries. The Soviet Union responded by establishing the Warsaw Pact with its Eastern European satellite states.

Symbol of Western Resolve:

The Berlin Airlift became a symbol of the determination of the Western Allies to support and defend West Berlin against Soviet aggression. It demonstrated the resolve of the United States, United Kingdom, and France to uphold the principles of freedom and democracy.

The End of the Berlin Blockade

The blockade officially ended on May 12, 1949, when the Soviet Union lifted the restrictions on access to West Berlin. The decision to end the blockade was a significant setback for the Soviet Union and marked a victory for the Allies.

The success of the Berlin Airlift not only ensured the survival of West Berlin but also bolstered the morale and confidence of the Western Allies. The airlift became a symbol of solidarity and resistance against Soviet aggression, cementing the importance of West Berlin as a symbol of the free world.

In conclusion, the Berlin Blockade was a crucial event in the history of the Cold War. It tested the resolve of the Western Allies and highlighted the determination of the people of West Berlin. The successful conclusion of the blockade through the Berlin Airlift not only ensured the survival of the city but also had far-reaching ramifications on the global stage. The Berlin Blockade remains a reminder of the power of unity and the indomitable spirit of those who fought to overcome it.

Thank you for reading. If you're inspired by the stories of Berlin and want to delve deeper, why not join us on our Free Berlin Walking Tour? It's a wonderful way to immerse yourself in the city's rich history and vibrant culture. We look forward to welcoming you soon.


  • 3.5 hours walking tour
  • Berlin’s major highlights
  • Brandenburg Gate
  • Reichstag and Berlin Wall
  • Historical sites

Free Walking Tour Berlin

When: Every day 10am & 12pm every day
Where: The meeting point is in front of the ehemaliges Kaiserliches Postfuhramt Berlin, Oranienburger Straße, 10117 Berlin, Germany, next to the entrance.
Price: Free