Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp Tour

When: Every day at 10am
Where: The meeting point is in front of Generator Berlin Alexanderplatz, Otto-Braun-Straße 65, 10178 Berlin
Price: €19,00 Per Person

Discovering Germany’s Dark Past: Concentration Camps as Historical Landmarks

by | Mar 7, 2024 | Sachsenhausen


Germany is a country rich in history and culture, attracting millions of tourists from around the world. While famous for its stunning castles, picturesque landscapes, and vibrant cities, Germany also holds a darker chapter in its past. The concentration camps, which were used during World War II, serve as reminders of the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime.

The Significance of Concentration Camps

Concentration camps were an integral part of Adolf Hitler’s plan to exterminate millions of Jews, along with other targeted groups, during the Holocaust. These camps witnessed unimaginable suffering and death, making them important historical landmarks. Understanding their significance allows us to remember the victims, pay tribute to their memory, and ensure such horrors are never repeated.

Visiting Concentration Camps: A Reflection on History

A visit to a concentration camp can be a somber and thought-provoking experience, making it essential to approach it with sensitivity and respect. These sites serve as memorials, educational institutions, and reminders of the past.

1. Holocaust Memorialization

Concentration camps have been transformed into powerful memorials to ensure that the memory of the Holocaust remains alive. The exhibits, memorials, and preserved structures help visitors understand the scale and impact of the atrocities committed.

2. Educational Value

Concentration camps function as educational centers, providing valuable insights into the mechanisms of oppression, discrimination, and genocide. Guided tours, exhibitions, and documentary screenings help visitors comprehend the historical context and engage in meaningful discussions about human rights.

3. Honoring the Victims

By visiting these camps, we demonstrate our respect for the victims and ensure their stories are heard. It is a gesture of remembrance and a commitment to never forget the horrors they endured.

Recommended Concentration Camps to Visit

While there are numerous concentration camps in Germany, here are three notable sites worth exploring:


Auschwitz-Birkenau, located in southern Poland, is among the most well-known and widely visited concentration camps. It serves as a chilling reminder of the Holocaust, with its barracks, gas chambers, and haunting remnants. Visitors can join guided tours, walk through the camp, and witness the powerful exhibits.

Dachau Concentration Camp

Dachau, situated just outside of Munich, was one of the first concentration camps established by the Nazis. Today, it stands as a memorial, showcasing the prisoners’ living conditions, torture chambers, and the stories of survival. Dachau offers guided tours, allowing visitors to gain a comprehensive understanding of the camp’s history.

Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp

Sachsenhausen, located near Berlin, was designed as a model concentration camp and served as a blueprint for others. The camp’s preserved buildings, prisoner barracks, and watchtowers provide an immersive experience. Guided tours focus on the camp’s history and the personal stories of its inmates.

Tips for Visiting Concentration Camps

When visiting concentration camps, it’s important to approach the experience with sensitivity and respect. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

1. Understand the Historical Context

Take the time to educate yourself about the Holocaust, World War II, and the specific camp you plan to visit. This knowledge will deepen your understanding and enhance your experience.

2. Participate in Guided Tours

Guided tours offer valuable insights and expert commentary. They provide context, answer questions, and ensure you don’t miss any significant details. Take advantage of these informative tours.

3. Show Respect

Approach your visit with solemnity. Dress appropriately, speak softly, and refrain from taking selfies or engaging in loud conversations. Show respect for the victims and the seriousness of the location.

4. Reflect and Engage

Allow yourself time to reflect on the horrors that took place at the camp. Engage with the exhibits, listen to survivors’ stories, and participate in discussions. It’s through these interactions that we truly honor the memory of the victims.

5. Support Preservation and Education

Consider donating to the preservation and educational efforts at the concentration camp sites. Your contribution can help maintain the sites and support initiatives that promote awareness and understanding.


As tourists, it is our responsibility to engage with history, even when it uncovers dark chapters. By visiting concentration camps in Germany, we remember the victims of the Holocaust, educate ourselves, and take a stand against injustice. These sites offer us the opportunity to reflect on the past, appreciate the value of human rights, and contribute to a world that embraces tolerance and compassion.

Thank you for your interest. To truly understand the depth and impact of Berlin's history, we invite you to join our Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp Tour. This visit provides a solemn reminder of the past and pays respect to the memories of those who suffered. We hope to see you soon as we embark on this important journey together.


  • Bravery amidst horror
  • Details of camp condition
  • 6 hour tour
  • Informative guides
  • Uncover the truths

Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp Tour

When: Every day at 10am
Where: The meeting point is in front of the ehemaliges Kaiserliches Postfuhramt Berlin, Oranienburger Straße, 10117 Berlin, Germany, next to the entrance.
Price: 19,00 Per Person