Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp Tour

When: Every day at 10am
Where: The meeting point is in front of Generator Berlin Alexanderplatz, Otto-Braun-Straße 65, 10178 Berlin
Price: €19,00 Per Person

Exploring Auschwitz: Unveiling the Choices for Your Visit

by | Mar 7, 2024 | Sachsenhausen


When planning a visit to Auschwitz, one of the most emotionally charged and historically significant sites in the world, you may wonder if it is possible to explore it without a tour. This article will shed light on the various options available to visitors, analyzing the merits and considerations of both guided tours and independent visits to help you make an informed decision.

The Significance of Auschwitz

Auschwitz, located in Oświęcim, Poland, was a network of Nazi concentration and extermination camps during World War II. It stands today as a memorial and museum that honors the victims and educates visitors about the Holocaust.

The experience of visiting Auschwitz can be overwhelming, which is why the question of whether or not to take a tour becomes crucial. Let’s explore the pros and cons of both guided tours and independent visits, so you can decide which option suits you best.

Guided Tours: An Immersive and Educational Experience

Guided tours at Auschwitz offer a structured, informative, and emotionally supportive way to explore the site. Highly trained guides provide context, share historical insights, and guide you through the various areas, including the Auschwitz I main camp and Auschwitz II-Birkenau.

The Benefits of Guided Tours

  • Expert Guidance: Professional guides are well-versed in the history and significance of Auschwitz. They provide detailed commentary, answer questions, and ensure you understand the gravity of the events that transpired.
  • Structured Itinerary: Guided tours follow a predetermined route, ensuring you see the most significant areas and fully grasp the related historical and cultural aspects. They help maximize your time and provide a comprehensive experience.
  • Immersive Learning: Through storytelling and firsthand accounts, guides create a powerful emotional connection, fostering a deeper understanding of the Holocaust and its impact.
  • Emotional Support: Visiting Auschwitz is an intense experience. Guides are specially trained to support visitors emotionally, providing a safe space for reflection and offering support if needed.
  • Expert Guidance: Professional guides are well-versed in the history and significance of Auschwitz. They provide detailed commentary, answer questions, and ensure you understand the gravity of the events that transpired.
  • Expert Guidance:

  • Structured Itinerary: Guided tours follow a predetermined route, ensuring you see the most significant areas and fully grasp the related historical and cultural aspects. They help maximize your time and provide a comprehensive experience.
  • Structured Itinerary:

  • Immersive Learning: Through storytelling and firsthand accounts, guides create a powerful emotional connection, fostering a deeper understanding of the Holocaust and its impact.
  • Immersive Learning:

  • Emotional Support: Visiting Auschwitz is an intense experience. Guides are specially trained to support visitors emotionally, providing a safe space for reflection and offering support if needed.
  • Emotional Support:

    Factors to Consider

    While guided tours offer numerous benefits, there are a few factors to consider before opting for this type of visit:

    • Group Size: Guided tours often involve larger groups, ranging from 30 to 50 participants. If you prefer a more intimate experience, this may be a drawback.
    • Time Constraints: Guided tours typically have fixed durations, so your visit may be limited to the allocated time. This might impact your ability to spend additional time reflecting or exploring specific areas at your own pace.
    • Scheduling: Prebooking is essential for many guided tours, especially during peak seasons. Ensure you secure your spot well in advance to avoid disappointment.
  • Group Size: Guided tours often involve larger groups, ranging from 30 to 50 participants. If you prefer a more intimate experience, this may be a drawback.
  • Group Size:

  • Time Constraints: Guided tours typically have fixed durations, so your visit may be limited to the allocated time. This might impact your ability to spend additional time reflecting or exploring specific areas at your own pace.
  • Time Constraints:

  • Scheduling: Prebooking is essential for many guided tours, especially during peak seasons. Ensure you secure your spot well in advance to avoid disappointment.
  • Scheduling:

    Independent Visits: Flexibility and Personal Reflection

    If you prefer a more personalized experience, you have the option of visiting Auschwitz independently. This allows you to explore at your own pace, delve deeper into specific areas of interest, and spend as much time as you need to reflect.

    The Advantages of Independent Visits

    • Freedom and Flexibility: Independent visits provide the freedom to create your own itinerary, spending more or less time in certain areas depending on your interest.
    • Personal Reflection: Auschwitz can evoke profound emotions. Independent visits allow you to process these emotions at your own pace, offering a more personal and introspective experience.
    • Absence of Time Constraints: Without a guided tour, you are not bound by a fixed schedule. You can explore the site for as long as you wish, without being rushed.
  • Freedom and Flexibility: Independent visits provide the freedom to create your own itinerary, spending more or less time in certain areas depending on your interest.
  • Freedom and Flexibility:

  • Personal Reflection: Auschwitz can evoke profound emotions. Independent visits allow you to process these emotions at your own pace, offering a more personal and introspective experience.
  • Personal Reflection:

  • Absence of Time Constraints: Without a guided tour, you are not bound by a fixed schedule. You can explore the site for as long as you wish, without being rushed.
  • Absence of Time Constraints:

    Points to Consider

    Although an independent visit offers flexibility, there are a few points to consider:

    • Lack of Expert Guidance: Without a guide, you might miss important details or struggle to fully grasp the historical context. Prior research and preparation are vital to get the most out of your visit.
    • Emotional Preparedness: Visiting Auschwitz independently can be emotionally challenging, as there is no guide to offer support or facilitate discussions. Prepare yourself emotionally before your visit.
    • Availability: While the Auschwitz Memorial and Museum allow independent visits, certain restrictions and rules apply. Ensure you familiarize yourself with these guidelines before planning your visit.
  • Lack of Expert Guidance: Without a guide, you might miss important details or struggle to fully grasp the historical context. Prior research and preparation are vital to get the most out of your visit.
  • Lack of Expert Guidance:

  • Emotional Preparedness: Visiting Auschwitz independently can be emotionally challenging, as there is no guide to offer support or facilitate discussions. Prepare yourself emotionally before your visit.
  • Emotional Preparedness:

  • Availability: While the Auschwitz Memorial and Museum allow independent visits, certain restrictions and rules apply. Ensure you familiarize yourself with these guidelines before planning your visit.
  • Availability:


    Whether you choose a guided tour or an independent visit, a trip to Auschwitz is a deeply emotional and educational experience. Guided tours offer structured learning, expert guidance, and emotional support, while independent visits allow for flexibility, introspection, and personal reflection.

    Ultimately, the decision between a tour or independent visit depends on your personal preferences, emotional readiness, and the level of structure you desire. Regardless of your choice, take the time to honor the victims and pay your respects to those who suffered at this somber historical site.

    Thank you for your interest. To truly understand the depth and impact of Berlin's history, we invite you to join our Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp Tour. This visit provides a solemn reminder of the past and pays respect to the memories of those who suffered. We hope to see you soon as we embark on this important journey together.


    • Bravery amidst horror
    • Details of camp condition
    • 6 hour tour
    • Informative guides
    • Uncover the truths

    Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp Tour

    When: Every day at 10am
    Where: The meeting point is in front of the ehemaliges Kaiserliches Postfuhramt Berlin, Oranienburger Straße, 10117 Berlin, Germany, next to the entrance.
    Price: 19,00 Per Person