The Berlin Wall which was tearing the city of Berlin, was the direct result of the Cold war and symbolised the division of the world into communist and capitalist entities. It was risky and difficult to cross the berlin wall or wall of shame but many people tried and succeeded crossing it , currently the wall is in broken pieces but it is very important to be aware with the events that were or are being carried out on it. The present paper aims at familiarizing the concerned reader with the details of the escape techniques and the narratives of those who tried crossing the Berlin Wall.
Understanding the Berlin Wall
The barbed wire wall was constructed by East Germany, the GDR in 1961 to prevent its people from escaping to the West. There was a concrete wall, barbed wire, watch-towers and death strip which could be very hard to breach. The guards were given special permission to open fire on anyone trying to flee to ensure that they erected a killing fence.
1. Tunneling
One technique used by individuals or groups was tunneling. This included the creation of tunnel by east to west in an attempt to effect a sneak of people. These tunnels had to be dug secretly and with a lot of planning and cooperation since they could not be built anywhere the people involved wanted. Despite this, it was a form of escape particularly to many determined individuals especially as tunneling was admittedly risky.
2. Hot Air Balloons
Another of the audacious methods of staking the Berlin Wall was by using the hot air balloons. Passenger-carrying balloons constructed by some persons or groups were filled and flown at night from East Berlin to West Berlin. The benefit of this method was that the people were able to cross the border with ease since the check point were heavily challenged. But after all, the implementation of functional balloon needs certain expertise along with technical planning.
3. Checkpoint Challenges
Some of them tried to cross directly at the official border stations. It involved risk taking, in campaigning for the President, she had to rely on luck and out smart her rivals. As much as crossing at the check points sound secure, it involved availing of documents and surviving through horrendous sweeping . The method is rather dangerous since the border guards were constantly on the lookout for people who are trying to escape.
4. Smuggling
Another method people used in order to cross the Berlin Wall was through smuggler operations. They would sit in automobiles that had lawful business to transverse including big rigs and diplomatic automobiles. The smugglers therefore had to take their time when choosing the most appropriate routes and cover their tracks when the official inspections where being conducted. However, this method was incredibly dangerous and could lead to serious negative consequences in the case if the participants were arrested.
Remembering the Risks
And one must always bear the fact in mind that opening the door in this play was a very perilous business, fraught with the maximum of hazard. Individuals carried much risk and personal stake to try and flee the oppressive state of the GDR. A significant number of people gave up their lives in these endeavors and the death structure is well evidenced by the Berlin Wall.
The solidity of the Berlin Wall was a hated which part families and a split nation. To cross it needed courage, quickly thinking and at times extra innovation. From making tunnels, flying in helium balloons, checkpoint charades, or running along the wires, everyone who tried to escape the Berlin Wall had character and persistence. The wall is no longer physically standing but it remains an icon, of human endurance, of liberty and the desire to triumph over utter impossibility.
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