Free Walking Tour Berlin

When: Every day 10am & 12pm every day
Where: The meeting point is in front of the ehemaliges Kaiserliches Postfuhramt Berlin, Oranienburger Straße, 10117 Berlin, Germany, next to the entrance.
Price: Free

How Cold Does Winter Get in Berlin?

by | Mar 7, 2024 | Walking Tour

When preparing for a trip to Berlin during the winter months, it’s important to know what to expect in terms of weather conditions. Berlin, the capital city of Germany, is located in a region with a temperate seasonal climate. Winters in Berlin can be quite chilly, so make sure to pack accordingly!

Winter Temperature Range

During the winter in Berlin, temperatures can drop below freezing point. On average, the temperature ranges from -1°C (30°F) to 3°C (37°F). However, it’s essential to note that these are just averages, and temperatures can vary significantly from day to day.

There are occasional days when temperatures can be even colder, with sub-zero temperatures not being uncommon. Therefore, it’s crucial to layer your clothing and bring warm accessories such as hats, scarves, and gloves to protect yourself from the cold.

Snowfall in Berlin

Snowfall is a typical occurrence during Berlin’s winter months. Although there is no guarantee of snow, it’s not uncommon to experience several snowfalls throughout the season. The snow-covered streets and landmarks create a magical atmosphere, but it’s essential to take precautions when walking on slippery surfaces.

If you’re hoping to witness Berlin covered in a white blanket of snow, the best time to visit would be during December or January, as these months historically have the highest chances of snowfall. However, weather patterns can change, so it’s always a good idea to check the forecast before your trip.

Daylight Hours

Another factor to consider during winter in Berlin is the limited daylight hours. The city experiences shorter days during this time, with the sun rising later in the morning and setting earlier in the evening. In December, the shortest day of the year, known as the winter solstice, can have as little as 7 hours of daylight.

Be sure to plan your activities accordingly, considering the reduced daylight hours. It’s advisable to make the most of the daylight and explore outdoor attractions during the daytime.

Wind Chill and Humidity

In addition to the temperature, wind chill and humidity can significantly influence how cold it feels during winters in Berlin. The wind chill factor is the combined effect of wind and temperature and can make the air feel even colder than what the actual temperature indicates.

High humidity levels, typical during winter, can increase the sensation of coldness. Layering your clothing is especially beneficial as it helps trap warm air close to your body and provides insulation against the cold and wind.

Indoor Heating

While the outdoors may be chilly, rest assured that indoor spaces in Berlin are usually well-heated. Homes, hotels, restaurants, and other establishments have central heating systems to keep the interiors warm and comfortable.

However, it’s still a good idea to carry an extra layer or two when exploring the city. Some attractions, like outdoor Christmas markets or ice-skating rinks, might not be fully sheltered from the elements.


Berlin’s winters provide a true European winter experience. With temperatures typically ranging from -1°C (30°F) to 3°C (37°F), occasional snowfall, and reduced daylight hours, winter in Berlin can be a chilly but beautiful time to explore the city.

Remember to dress in layers, bring warm accessories, and check the weather forecast regularly to prepare for the changing conditions. Bundle up, embrace the winter charm, and enjoy the unique experiences that Berlin has to offer during this season!

Thank you for reading. If you're inspired by the stories of Berlin and want to delve deeper, why not join us on our Free Berlin Walking Tour? It's a wonderful way to immerse yourself in the city's rich history and vibrant culture. We look forward to welcoming you soon.


  • 3.5 hours walking tour
  • Berlin’s major highlights
  • Brandenburg Gate
  • Reichstag and Berlin Wall
  • Historical sites

Free Walking Tour Berlin

When: Every day 10am & 12pm every day
Where: The meeting point is in front of the ehemaliges Kaiserliches Postfuhramt Berlin, Oranienburger Straße, 10117 Berlin, Germany, next to the entrance.
Price: Free