Free Walking Tour Berlin

When: Every day 10am & 12pm every day
Where: The meeting point is in front of the ehemaliges Kaiserliches Postfuhramt Berlin, Oranienburger Straße, 10117 Berlin, Germany, next to the entrance.
Price: Free

How the Berlin Blockade Came to an End: A Triumph of Determination

by | Oct 22, 2024 | Original Berlin

Understanding the history of the Berlin blockade and periods of its development proves that its ending was not due to the agreement of main actors and specific key moment. In this article we are going to look at each event in regard to the resolution of Berlin Blockade in an attempt to discuss the determination of the people involved.

The Berlin Blockade: A Quick Recap

In order to better comprehend the importance of the blockade ending it is important to have an understanding of what the blockade was and how it affected the people of Berlin. The Berlin blockade started on 24 June 1948 through the action of the Soviet Union since the introduction of the deutsche mark in West Germany.

Strebnut ćeo se da nenasiliti Zapadni Berlin, grad podijeljen između saveznika, da prebjegne pod vlast GDR-a koja je bila pod sovjetskom kontrolom. The Soviets blockade every east-west, north-south road, rail or canal into West Berlin, isolating it and threatening its two-million people.

The Berlin Airlift: A Herculean Effort

When the situation of the city became critical the United States, United Kingdom and France showed great solidarity in coming up with what was known as the Berlin Airlift. It was a great operational drama of the airlift to send food and essentials to the West Berlin airhead bypassing the Soviet blockade.

In total, over the course of the air lif, which was conducted from June 1948 until May 1949, 277 264 flights brought supplies to the besieged city, including such items as food, fuel and medicine. Such a tremendous effort explained the unstinting resolve of the Western Allies to defend the freedom of West Berlin and the principles of the free world.

Operation Little Vittles: A Symbol of Hope

However, in the case of the Berlin Airlift one particular becoming the symbol of hope in the difficult situation. One American Luftwaffe pilot, Lieutenant Gail Halvorsen, started what was called “Operation Little Vittles” – to cheer people of Berlin.

Major Lieutent Halvorsen and his co-fliers began to drop small parachutes containing candy to the children of West Berlin. This small gesture also helped to deliver a generous amount of sweets to children and at the same time become a powerful sign of support and love in adverse circumstances.

Pressure and Bargain from Internationals

In course of the Berlin Airlift, pressure started mounting on the Soviet Union to remove the blockade erected around Berlin. The United States diplomatically dealt with the Soviets though diplomatic means requesting them to solve the crisis diplomatically.

By September, 1949, Soviet leadership found out that the blockade was not having the desired effects as planned. Nevertheless, the Western powers remained adamant and the weakness of the blockade continued to become more and more apparent to the Soviets.

The conference at Moscow and the lifting of the Blockade

The turning point in the resolution of the Berlin Blockade was reached when Moscow Conference was convened in the middle of January 1950. During the conference the Soviet Union, the United States, the United Kingdom and France spent most of their time trying to seek an end to the crisis.

Finally, this was done and the blockade was lifted officially on May 12, 1949. As the ultimate result of the relentless process of suffering, the Western Allies remained undeniable, genuinely cooperative, and undeterred. In effect, the Berlin Blockade had been effectively defeated.

In this paper, several aspects of the Berlin Blockade and its legacy will be explored to conclusion that a pivotal turning point in cold war history occurred in the years between 1945 and 1949.

Its conclusion was a successful outcome of the first phase of the Cold War, which ended Berlin Blockade. The result was a progressive testimony to the stamina of the western allies and thus a demonstration of their preparedness to fight for democracy and liberty.

Berlin Airlift provides a profound example on how much nations and ordinary people can do to help each other in a time of crisis. And it gave the people of Berlin an everlasting scar and linking them to the Western Allies who came to their rescue.

Further, the collapse of the BerlinBLOCKADE was a set back to Soviet Union ambitions in their quest to assert control on west Berlin. It showed that West is ready to surmount tremendous obstacles for the rights and freedoms of the people.

A war lesson of endurance and morale among civilians

The final removal of the Berlin Blockade signifies strength, perseverance and the company that the people really hold. Bravery exhibited by the Western Allies, berliners, and success of the Berlin Airlift is promise to the future generations.

Thus, the end of Berlin Blockade was not an end of a concrete crisis; it was the triumph of people, the spirit and power, which is always present in common struggle.

On this occasion it is worth remembering the bravery of the participants of this fateful period, and at the same time learning from its experience and the desire to overcome current difficult situations.

Thank you for reading. If you're inspired by the stories of Berlin and want to delve deeper, why not join us on our Free Berlin Walking Tour? It's a wonderful way to immerse yourself in the city's rich history and vibrant culture. We look forward to welcoming you soon.


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Free Walking Tour Berlin

When: Every day 10am & 12pm every day
Where: The meeting point is in front of the ehemaliges Kaiserliches Postfuhramt Berlin, Oranienburger Straße, 10117 Berlin, Germany, next to the entrance.
Price: Free