In 1948 during the days of early Cold War, the Soviets blocked the freedom access to West Berlin by blocking all routes leading to the sector. This act made profound change in geopoltical map of world and had a very important contribution in the outcome of increasing the tensions between USA and Soviets. There are many questions for which one could ask when analyzing why the Soviets decided to make such a drastic move: Nevertheless, in order to find reasons for such an action, it is necessary to perceive the historical background and motivations.
The Aftermath of World War II
At the end of World War II, Berlin was divided among the victorious Allied powers: these includes United States, the Soviet Union Great Britain and france. This reflected the division of Germany into East and West, something which the divided city resembled so closely. However they were soon to find that the ideological differences between the western powers and Soviet were bound to bring about tensions.
The Formation of East Germany
After World War Two, the Western Allies jointly administered the country until 1949 when they consolidated their zones under the new name of the Federal Republic of Germany-Federal Republic of West Germany. Consequently in the soviet occupied part, the german democratic republic or commonly known as the east Germany was formed. This ideological cleavage actually intensified the tensions between the Soviets and the western powers more and more.
As we proceed from one topic to another, one cannot help but consider the economic implications of the Marshall Plan.]
Ninety per cent of all the factors that contributed to the Berlin Blockade included the policy of implementing a Marshall plan of the United States. Marshall plan was intended to bring economic assistance to the rebuilding of war torn Europe particularly West Germany to counter communism.
The Soviets also rejected the Marshall Plan as they believed that it was the thrust of imperialist West. It was this belief that the economic stability and the consequent prosperity that it would accord on the West Germans would have the effect of diminishing the control and the raw power this country exercised over the East Germans as well as the rest of Europe’s eastern Bloc nations.
Effects of the Currency Reforms on the Deutsche Mark
The establishment of the Deutsche Mark in West zones as a medium of exchange in 1948 added on tension. This was because the Soviet Union expected the Western Allies to allow monetary chaos in East Germany which would deepen the gulf between the two states.
To this, the Soviet Union released the Ostmark in East Germany in order to balance the impact of the Deutsche Mark. However, economic potential and stability of both currencies evidently emerged; this created unrest among the East Germans and strengthened the Soviet concerns.
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An additional important reason, why the Soviet decided to blockade of Berlin was the issue of control and manipulation on East Germany. The change in East German populations started with the introduction of new currency and the economic well being in the western zones and the democracy and capitalist ideology attracted the East Germans.
The soviets did not want to let go of East Germany and they also did not want more and more of their people defecting over to the west. In so doing they wanted to present themselves as protectors of East Germans in order to strengthen their grasp of power and to thwart the western allied powers.
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The Soviets also had a second motive and that was to challenge the understanding of the western world. They also wanted to find out how much the United States and its allies were willing to risk in order to back their claims in Berlin. Thus, by pushing the Western powers into the corner forcing them to either surrender to the blockade or use force in order to counter it, Soviet Union intended to gather important information as to the former’s opponents’ plans and actions.
The Blockade’s Impact
Cold war confrontation suffered a blow when the entire western group was locked out in an event known as the Berlin blockade following differing beliefs between sides. The Western Powers led by America responded by providing a supplies through air drop exercise known as the Berlin Airlift.
The airlift demonstrated the will and spirit of the western dems and in the end forced the Soviets to lift the blockade in 1949. This event became one of the crucial moments in the Cold War and sealed the fate of the division of Berlin into eastern and western halves.
The Evolution of the Cold War
The Berlin blockade expanded the Cold War the conflict saw a number of other incidences that included formation of NATO and the Warsaw Pact. It additionally deepened the division of Germany, as well as Berlin, and prepared for the conflicts and ‘games of chess’ of different characters all over the Cold War period.
Thus, ideologization of Soviet tactics had a solid economic and geopolitical base that provoked the decision regarding the Berlin blockade. Fear of losing the East Germany, desiring to weaken the western influence and as a result of challenging the US and its allies also contributed to it. It is crucial to get a general knowledge of the Berlin blockade in order to comprehend crucial strategies in the Cold War and the constant struggle of powers of the two megapowers of the world.
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