Free Walking Tour Berlin

When: Every day 10am & 12pm every day
Where: The meeting point is in front of the ehemaliges Kaiserliches Postfuhramt Berlin, Oranienburger Straße, 10117 Berlin, Germany, next to the entrance.
Price: Free

What is the Ishtar Gate and Why is it in Berlin, Germany?

by | Mar 7, 2024 | Walking Tour

The Ishtar Gate is one of the most iconic and impressive archaeological finds from ancient Mesopotamia. Built in Babylon during the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar II around 575 BCE, this magnificent gate served as the main entrance to the city. Nowadays, you can find a partial reconstruction of the Ishtar Gate at the Pergamon Museum in Berlin, Germany. Let’s explore the fascinating history and significance of this ancient architectural masterpiece.

The Rich History of the Ishtar Gate

The Ishtar Gate was dedicated to the Mesopotamian goddess Ishtar, the deity of love, fertility, and war. It was part of a larger project to beautify the city of Babylon and showcase the might and grandeur of the Babylonian empire.

This imposing gate was constructed using vibrant blue glazed bricks with reliefs of mythical animals and symbols. The most common creatures depicted were the legendary bulls called “lamassus” with the heads of bearded men, the bodies of lions, and the wings of eagles.

The Significance of the Ishtar Gate

The Ishtar Gate held immense symbolic and religious importance in ancient Babylon. It not only served as a functional entryway to the city but also represented the connection between the mortal realm and the divine. Walking through the gate was believed to be a journey into another world, where the goddess Ishtar resided.

This gate demonstrated the power and wealth of Babylon, leaving a lasting impression on those who witnessed its splendor. It stood as a testament to the advanced engineering and artistic skills of the Babylonians.

The Reconstruction in Berlin

During the early 20th century, German archaeologists were granted permission by the Ottoman Empire to excavate the ancient city of Babylon. Fragments of the Ishtar Gate were discovered and carefully transported to Germany.

Today, a stunning reconstruction of the Ishtar Gate, along with the Processional Way and the Throne Room façade, can be found in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin. This museum showcases many remarkable archaeological treasures from across the world.

Key Facts about the Ishtar Gate Reconstruction:

  • The gate was reconstructed using original glazed bricks and based on meticulous research and study of ancient texts and archaeological discoveries.
  • The reconstruction is over 14 meters high and 30 meters wide, providing visitors with a sense of the gate’s grandeur and impressive scale.
  • The original color and design of the gate were replicated as accurately as possible, allowing visitors to experience its true beauty.

Visiting the Ishtar Gate in Berlin

If you are planning to visit Berlin, a trip to the Pergamon Museum to see the Ishtar Gate reconstruction is highly recommended. Here are a few tips for your visit:

Tips for Visiting the Pergamon Museum:

  • Check the museum’s opening hours and plan your visit accordingly.
  • Consider purchasing tickets online in advance to avoid long waiting lines.
  • Take your time to admire the intricate details of the gate and learn about its historical significance.
  • Combine your visit to the Ishtar Gate with exploration of other fascinating exhibits in the museum, such as the Pergamon Altar and the Babylonian Ishtar Gate Processional Way.


The Ishtar Gate in Berlin offers an incredible opportunity to witness and appreciate the architectural splendor and cultural heritage of ancient Babylon. Its partial reconstruction provides a glimpse into the past, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the grandeur and symbolism of this ancient wonder. So, don’t miss the chance to behold the Ishtar Gate’s beauty and discover the fascinating history it represents.

Thank you for reading. If you're inspired by the stories of Berlin and want to delve deeper, why not join us on our Free Berlin Walking Tour? It's a wonderful way to immerse yourself in the city's rich history and vibrant culture. We look forward to welcoming you soon.


  • 3.5 hours walking tour
  • Berlin’s major highlights
  • Brandenburg Gate
  • Reichstag and Berlin Wall
  • Historical sites

Free Walking Tour Berlin

When: Every day 10am & 12pm every day
Where: The meeting point is in front of the ehemaliges Kaiserliches Postfuhramt Berlin, Oranienburger Straße, 10117 Berlin, Germany, next to the entrance.
Price: Free