Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp Tour

When: Every day at 10am
Where: The meeting point is in front of Generator Berlin Alexanderplatz, Otto-Braun-Straße 65, 10178 Berlin
Price: €19,00 Per Person

What were the main concentration camps in Berlin?

by | Mar 7, 2024 | Sachsenhausen

When discussing the history of World War II and the Holocaust, it is crucial to understand the atrocities that took place in concentration camps. Berlin, the capital of Nazi Germany, had several concentration camps where countless individuals suffered and perished. Let’s explore some of the main concentration camps in Berlin and the facts associated with them.

Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp

Sachsenhausen was one of the first concentration camps established by the Nazis in 1936. Located just outside Berlin, it served as a model for other camps. Here are some key facts about Sachsenhausen:

  • Sachsenhausen primarily held political prisoners, including Communists, Socialists, and political opponents of the Nazis.
  • It was designed to showcase Nazi superiority and serve as a center for SS training.
  • Prisoners endured forced labor, brutal medical experiments, and cruel punishments.
  • An estimated 30,000 people died at Sachsenhausen due to starvation, disease, execution, or exhaustion.
  • Sachsenhausen was liberated by the Soviet Army on April 22, 1945.

Ravensbrück Concentration Camp

Ravensbrück, located approximately 56 miles north of Berlin, was the main concentration camp for women in Nazi Germany. Here are some important facts about Ravensbrück:

  • It was established in 1939 and mainly held female political prisoners, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Jewish women.
  • Ravensbrück was notorious for medical experiments conducted on its inmates.
  • Prisoners were subjected to slave labor, starvation, and horrific living conditions.
  • Survivors of Ravensbrück estimate that over 90,000 women and children died within the camp.
  • The camp was liberated by Soviet forces on April 30, 1945.

Sachsenhausen and Ravensbrück Memorial Sites

Both Sachsenhausen and Ravensbrück have been transformed into memorial sites to honor the victims and educate visitors about the atrocities committed during the Nazi era. These memorial sites provide opportunities for reflection and learning. Here are some key details:

Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum:

  • The memorial site offers exhibitions, guided tours, and educational programs.
  • The museum focuses on the history of the camp, the prisoners’ experiences, and the SS personnel.
  • Visitors can explore the former prisoner barracks, punishment cells, and the SS training camp.

Ravensbrück Memorial Museum:

  • The memorial museum provides insights into the lives of the female prisoners.
  • Exhibitions cover various aspects of the camp, including resistance, daily life, and persecution based on race and religion.
  • Visitors can access the former prisoner quarters, the crematorium, and the memorial garden.


Remembering the concentration camps in Berlin is essential to honor the victims and ensure that such atrocities are never repeated. Sachsenhausen and Ravensbrück serve as reminders of the darkest period in human history. It is our responsibility to educate ourselves and future generations about these facts, fostering empathy, and promoting tolerance.

Thank you for your interest. To truly understand the depth and impact of Berlin's history, we invite you to join our Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp Tour. This visit provides a solemn reminder of the past and pays respect to the memories of those who suffered. We hope to see you soon as we embark on this important journey together.


  • Bravery amidst horror
  • Details of camp condition
  • 6 hour tour
  • Informative guides
  • Uncover the truths

Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp Tour

When: Every day at 10am
Where: The meeting point is in front of the ehemaliges Kaiserliches Postfuhramt Berlin, Oranienburger Straße, 10117 Berlin, Germany, next to the entrance.
Price: 19,00 Per Person