Free Walking Tour Berlin

When: Every day 10am & 12pm every day
Where: The meeting point is in front of the ehemaliges Kaiserliches Postfuhramt Berlin, Oranienburger Straße, 10117 Berlin, Germany, next to the entrance.
Price: Free

Who Was Alexander von Humboldt and How Did He Impact Berlin, Germany?

by | Mar 7, 2024 | Walking Tour

Alexander von Humboldt was a renowned German naturalist and explorer who made significant contributions to the scientific world in the 19th century. His work as a geographer, botanist, and visionary thinker not only revolutionized scientific understanding but also left a lasting impact on Berlin, Germany. In this blog post, we will explore the life and achievements of Alexander von Humboldt and discover how his legacy is preserved in Berlin.

Early Life and Expeditions

Alexander von Humboldt was born on September 14, 1769, in Berlin. From an early age, he showed an insatiable curiosity for the natural world. He embarked on numerous expeditions, including a five-year expedition to Latin America from 1799 to 1804. During this journey, which became the foundation of his scientific work, he meticulously documented the flora, fauna, geology, and climate of the regions he explored.

Key Contributions

Alexander von Humboldt’s expeditions and studies resulted in several groundbreaking contributions to various scientific fields:

  • Humboldt’s Kosmos: Humboldt’s most significant achievement was his book “Kosmos,” published between 1845 and 1862. It presented a comprehensive and holistic view of the universe, connecting astronomy, geology, physics, and even human history. The work was highly influential and was translated into multiple languages, making it one of the most widely read scientific books of the time.
  • Climate Zones: Humboldt introduced the concept of climate zones based on temperature, precipitation, and vegetation. His insights into the interconnectedness of these factors laid the groundwork for modern meteorology and climate science.
  • Mapping and Cartography: Humboldt pioneered modern cartography techniques and made significant contributions to mapping the regions he explored. His accurate and detailed maps became invaluable resources for future explorers and geographers.
  • Plant Geography: Humboldt’s observations of plant distribution in different regions shed light on the relationship between climate and vegetation. His work laid the foundation for the field of biogeography and influenced future botanical research.

Alexander von Humboldt’s Influence on Berlin

Throughout his life, Alexander von Humboldt maintained strong ties with Berlin, where he made numerous contributions and left an enduring legacy:

Museums and Institutions

Alexander von Humboldt’s scientific collections played a significant role in the formation of several museums and institutions in Berlin:

  • Museum für Naturkunde: The Museum für Naturkunde, also known as the Humboldt Museum, houses a vast collection of natural history specimens. It boasts over 30 million objects, including fossils, minerals, and taxidermy animals. The museum’s exhibits and research activities continue to inspire and educate visitors, carrying on Humboldt’s spirit of scientific exploration.
  • Humboldt University: Established in 1810, the Humboldt University is named after Alexander von Humboldt and his brother Wilhelm. It is one of Berlin’s oldest and most prestigious universities, known for its excellence in natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences.

Humboldt Forum

The Humboldt Forum is a cultural institution located in the reconstructed Berlin Palace. It aims to promote dialogue between cultures and disciplines and offers exhibitions, lectures, and events. The Forum’s conception draws inspiration from Alexander von Humboldt’s belief in the interconnectedness of knowledge and the importance of fostering cultural exchange.

Alexander von Humboldt’s Enduring Legacy

Alexander von Humboldt’s legacy extends far beyond his lifetime, continuing to inspire and shape scientific inquiry:

The Humboldt Current

The Humboldt Current, also known as the Peru Current, is a cold, nutrient-rich ocean current that flows along the western coast of South America. It was named in honor of Alexander von Humboldt’s research on ocean currents and the significant impact he had in understanding and characterizing this particular current.

Award and Recognition

Alexander von Humboldt’s contributions have been recognized worldwide. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, established in 1953, promotes academic cooperation between German and international scholars. The foundation grants prestigious research fellowships and awards the Humboldt Prize to exceptional scientists and scholars.


Alexander von Humboldt’s insatiable curiosity, meticulous observations, and groundbreaking ideas have shaped the world of science as we know it today. His contributions to the fields of geography, botany, and meteorology have not only advanced our knowledge but also influenced our understanding of the interconnectedness of nature. Berlin, Germany, proudly preserves his legacy through museums, institutions, and cultural spaces that celebrate his spirit of exploration and discovery.

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Free Walking Tour Berlin

When: Every day 10am & 12pm every day
Where: The meeting point is in front of the ehemaliges Kaiserliches Postfuhramt Berlin, Oranienburger Straße, 10117 Berlin, Germany, next to the entrance.
Price: Free