Free Walking Tour Berlin

When: Every day 10am & 12pm every day
Where: The meeting point is in front of the ehemaliges Kaiserliches Postfuhramt Berlin, Oranienburger Straße, 10117 Berlin, Germany, next to the entrance.
Price: Free

Exploring Tierpark Berlin: A Wildlife Adventure in the Heart of Germany

by | Mar 7, 2024 | Original Berlin


Tierpark Berlin is one of the most incredible wildlife experiences you can have in Germany. Located in the heart of Berlin, Tierpark Berlin is not just a zoo but also a sprawling park that offers a unique opportunity to get up close and personal with a wide range of animals from around the world. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, an animal lover, or simply looking for a fun and educational day out, Tierpark Berlin has something for everyone!

History and Overview

Tierpark Berlin opened its doors to the public in 1955 and has since become one of the largest zoos in Europe. Situated on an expansive 400-acre area, Tierpark Berlin is home to over 9,000 animals representing more than 750 species. The park’s mission is to promote the conservation and protection of endangered species through breeding programs and educational initiatives.

Unique Features of Tierpark Berlin

Tierpark Berlin stands out from other zoos for several reasons:

  1. Spaciousness: The vast expanse of Tierpark Berlin allows animals to enjoy ample space, emulating their natural habitats as closely as possible. This focus on providing spacious enclosures has led to happier and healthier animals.
  2. Geographic Divisions: The park is divided into several geographic regions, each replicating the natural environments of the animals found in those areas. From the lush forests of Asia to the arid deserts of Africa, visitors can explore different ecosystems without ever leaving the zoo.
  3. Unique Exhibits: Tierpark Berlin is home to world-class exhibits that provide visitors with an immersive experience. The Predator House, for example, allows you to observe big cats such as lions and tigers up close, while the Aquatic Hall offers a glimpse into the underwater world of various marine species.
  4. Ongoing Research and Conservation: Tierpark Berlin actively contributes to conservation efforts through its involvement in international breeding programs and research projects. By visiting the park, you not only get to see incredible animals but also support vital initiatives aimed at protecting endangered species.
  • Spaciousness: The vast expanse of Tierpark Berlin allows animals to enjoy ample space, emulating their natural habitats as closely as possible. This focus on providing spacious enclosures has led to happier and healthier animals.
  • Spaciousness:

  • Geographic Divisions: The park is divided into several geographic regions, each replicating the natural environments of the animals found in those areas. From the lush forests of Asia to the arid deserts of Africa, visitors can explore different ecosystems without ever leaving the zoo.
  • Geographic Divisions:

  • Unique Exhibits: Tierpark Berlin is home to world-class exhibits that provide visitors with an immersive experience. The Predator House, for example, allows you to observe big cats such as lions and tigers up close, while the Aquatic Hall offers a glimpse into the underwater world of various marine species.
  • Unique Exhibits:

  • Ongoing Research and Conservation: Tierpark Berlin actively contributes to conservation efforts through its involvement in international breeding programs and research projects. By visiting the park, you not only get to see incredible animals but also support vital initiatives aimed at protecting endangered species.
  • Ongoing Research and Conservation:

    Must-See Attractions

    Zoo Halle: A Journey into the Animal Kingdom

    The Zoo Halle is an excellent starting point for your Tierpark Berlin adventure. This area is home to a diverse range of animals, including elephants, giraffes, and gorillas. Enter the apes’ habitat and marvel at their intelligence and social behavior. Don’t miss the popular Penguin World, where you can watch these adorable creatures darting through the water.

    The Big Cats of Predator House

    Step into the Predator House to witness the raw power and grace of some of the world’s most impressive big cat species. Marvel at the majestic lions, watch the stealthy leopards, and be awed by the sheer size of the tigers. Educational displays provide fascinating insights into these remarkable creatures.

    Aquatic Hall: A Submerged Adventure

    Dive into the Aquatic Hall and explore the fascinating underwater world. From colorful tropical fish to graceful seahorses, this exhibit showcases a wide array of marine life. Don’t miss the opportunity to watch the playful seals in their spacious pool, showcasing their natural agility.

    Tips for an Unforgettable Visit

    Plan Your Visit in Advance

    Check the Tierpark Berlin website for the latest information on opening hours, ticket prices, and special events. Planning your visit in advance will help you make the most of your day and ensure you don’t miss any of the must-see attractions.

    Arrive Early and Beat the Crowds

    To avoid the crowds, consider arriving at Tierpark Berlin shortly after it opens. This will give you ample time to explore the different areas of the park at your own pace and enjoy a more peaceful experience with the animals.

    Bring Snacks and Drinks

    While Tierpark Berlin has several eateries, packing your own snacks and drinks is a convenient and cost-effective option. There are plenty of picnic spots throughout the park where you can relax and enjoy a leisurely meal surrounded by nature.

    Wear Comfortable Shoes and Clothing

    Given the large size of Tierpark Berlin, be sure to wear comfortable shoes to explore the park without discomfort. Dress in layers, as the weather in Berlin can be changeable, and be prepared for both sun and rain.


    Tierpark Berlin offers an unparalleled wildlife experience for visitors of all ages. From its commitment to animal welfare to its incredible exhibits and vast parkland, this zoo is a must-visit destination in Germany. Whether you’re fascinated by big cats, captivated by marine life, or simply want to connect with nature, Tierpark Berlin provides an unforgettable adventure that will leave you with lasting memories.

    Thank you for reading. If you're inspired by the stories of Berlin and want to delve deeper, why not join us on our Free Berlin Walking Tour? It's a wonderful way to immerse yourself in the city's rich history and vibrant culture. We look forward to welcoming you soon.


    • 3.5 hours walking tour
    • Berlin’s major highlights
    • Brandenburg Gate
    • Reichstag and Berlin Wall
    • Historical sites

    Free Walking Tour Berlin

    When: Every day 10am & 12pm every day
    Where: The meeting point is in front of the ehemaliges Kaiserliches Postfuhramt Berlin, Oranienburger Straße, 10117 Berlin, Germany, next to the entrance.
    Price: Free