Pub Crawl Details

Price: 25€ per Person

Starting time: 20:30
Generator Berlin Alexanderplatz, Otto-Braun-Straße 65, 10178 Berlin, Deutschland

Running late? Catch us here at 22:00
Generator Berlin Mitte, Oranienburger Str. 65, 10117 Berlin, Deutschland

Is Berlin Safe? Exploring the Safety of Different Districts

by | Mar 7, 2024 | Pub Crawl

Are you planning a trip to Berlin but concerned about safety? Rest assured, Berlin is generally a safe city for tourists. However, like any other major city, it has its share of areas that might be less safe than others. In this guide, we will delve into the topic of unsafe areas in Berlin and provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions while exploring the city.

Understanding Berlin’s Districts

Before we delve into specific neighborhoods, it’s important to understand Berlin’s district structure. Berlin is divided into twelve distinct boroughs, each with its own unique characteristics. We’ll highlight some of the boroughs known for safety concerns:

1. Mitte

Mitte is the central district of Berlin, and it is generally considered safe. However, like any city center, it experiences higher levels of crime compared to other districts due to the high concentration of tourists and nightlife establishments. Exercise caution with your belongings, especially in crowded areas such as Alexanderplatz.

2. Neukölln

Neukölln is a vibrant and diverse neighborhood that has undergone significant changes in recent years. While it offers a lively atmosphere, certain parts of Neukölln, such as the area around Kottbusser Tor, may have higher levels of street crime. Stay alert and avoid walking alone in poorly lit areas at night.

3. Kreuzberg

Kreuzberg is known for its alternative scene and vibrant nightlife. While most areas are safe to explore, certain parts, such as Görlitzer Park, have had reported issues with drug-related crimes. It is advisable to exercise caution, particularly at night, and avoid engaging with individuals involved in illegal activities.

Staying Safe in Berlin

Now that we’ve highlighted a few areas with potential safety concerns let’s discuss some general safety tips to keep in mind during your visit to Berlin:

1. Be Mindful of Your Belongings

Pickpocketing can happen in any large city, and Berlin is no exception. Keep a close eye on your belongings, especially in crowded places like public transportation, touristic attractions, and busy markets. Consider using a secure bag or backpack and keep your valuables close to your body.

2. Use Reliable Transportation

Public transportation in Berlin is generally safe and well-maintained. Stick to official taxis, licensed ride-sharing services, or public transport options like buses, trams, and the subway. Avoid unlicensed taxis, especially those that approach you directly on the street.

3. Stay Aware of Your Surroundings

It’s always essential to stay aware of your surroundings. Avoid walking alone in poorly lit or sparsely populated areas, particularly late at night. If possible, try to stick to well-lit streets with other people around.

4. Research Your Accommodation

When choosing your accommodation in Berlin, consider staying in areas known for their safety and proximity to public transportation. Reading reviews and consulting with trusted travel websites can provide valuable insights into the safety of different neighborhoods.


While Berlin is generally a safe city, it’s essential to be aware of potential safety concerns in certain neighborhoods. By understanding the districts and following general safety precautions, you can enjoy a pleasant and secure visit to the vibrant German capital.

Thank you for reading. If the vibrant nightlife and stories of Berlin intrigue you, consider joining us on our Original Berlin Pub Crawl. Experience the city's spirited side and mingle with fellow enthusiasts. We can't wait to raise a glass with you soon!


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Pub Crawl Details

Price: 25€ per Person

Starting time: 20:30
Generator Berlin Alexanderplatz, Otto-Braun-Straße 65, 10178 Berlin, Deutschland

Running late? Catch us here at 22:00
Generator Berlin Mitte, Oranienburger Str. 65, 10117 Berlin, Deutschland