The Rise of the Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall which represented the division of Germany and the Cold war was built by the East Germans on the 13th of August 1961. It was built to divide East and West Berlin literally tearing apart families, friends and a nation. The GDR protested that this wall was erected for the defense of its people from the imperialism of the West and from the escapees to West Germany.
Life Under Divided Berlin
Inasmuch as experience among people in both East and West Berlin was largely shaped by the Berlin Wall. While people of West Berlin are enjoying economic growth and freedom, East Berliners were living in a restricted society. Some of the rights that were previously in the constitution but were infringed by the communists include; Freedom of speech, and Freedom of movement. Nonetheless West Berlin staffed out as a symbol of democracy and capitalism in the middle of severe communism.
The Fall of the Berlin Wall
The date that students should remember is November the ninth, 1989, For this is the sign of the Berlin Wall’s collapse. It started on a sudden and was caused by factors that contributed to the fall of the Soviet Union and the termination of the Cold war.
The Catalysts for Change
Several factors contributed to the final breaking of the Berlin Wall, it was, however, not because of some of the major factors mentioned above. Another was the cessation of the financial capability by the Soviet Union and East European countries to support the old style socialist economies. There was already the beginning of the change due to Gorbachev, and the policies of glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring).
The shift accelerated even further with outbreaks of the non-violent uprisings in Eastern Europe. Across the region in countries like Hungary and Poland mass protests were staged for political liberalization. These events were closely followed by East Germans, and deprievation stimuli emerged among the country’s population.
The Fateful Night
As it was mentioned before, on November, the 9th, 1989 on the evening East German government official mistakenly informed about changes in the travel regulation where freedom of movement for East Germans was granted. Tens of thousands of East Berliners streamed to the Wall with an opportunity to make use of the open door to their families and to relish the liberty they have desired for.
Some guards at the checkpoints opened the gates to people fearing that they would not be able to contain the large crowds. The public went wild as families were reunited, and people mingled through the once forbidden pass and wall.
The two findings are the Aftermath and Reunification.
Consequences of the Berlin Wall coming down A world was changed by the fall of the Berlin Wall. It signified the end of cold war which was a battle between the democrats and the communists. The subsequent events which occurred cause the reunification of Germany and the two German states have become officially united on October 3, 1990.
Restoring the broken economy with the fallen middle and reopening the connection between former East and West Germany had to be a demanding task. Nevertheless, in course of time, Germany learnt the way to merge the two regions together and thereby brought forth some opportunities for the growths and developments.
The Legacy of the Berlin Wall
The symbolic power of the Berlin Wall continues to warn against the division and to encourage the freedom. Now only fragments of the wall remain but the symbol it has now become has been colonized by millions of people from all around the world.
In addition, the functions of politics were tremendously changed by the fall of the Berlin Wall. Thus, it helped to redraw the balance of power in the international area and prepared the base for the new phases of cooperation and diplomacy.
To sum it up, after several important events in Europe and economic deterioration in the Eastern Bloc states, the Berlin Wall came down on 9th of November in 1989. The collapse of the wall became symbolic as it signified the change in the world history, and it led to the integration of Germany, and the Cold War was over. The effect that the Wall in Berlin made on the history and lives of people proves everyone that freedom matters and offers people a chance for a barrier-free life.
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