Free Walking Tour Berlin

When: Every day 10am & 12pm every day
Where: The meeting point is in front of the ehemaliges Kaiserliches Postfuhramt Berlin, Oranienburger Straße, 10117 Berlin, Germany, next to the entrance.
Price: Free

Rescuing a Divided City: The Berlin Airlift

by | Oct 22, 2024 | Original Berlin

Picture yourself one morning and you realize that you and those you with you are enveloped by enemies in an extensive city. Suddenly you are deprived of something as simple as food, water or fuel for your car. Thus, it was with the population of Berlin in 1948. To the circumstances where this happened and how it can be a brilliant example of how an incredible amount of coordinating was done to keep a city alive, that is the topic of this article.

The Background and Context

Following the second world war major allied powers that had emerged victorious chose to make Germany a divided country by dividing it into four zones where each was under the control of the United States of America, the Union of Soviet Socialists Republics, Great Britain, and France. Berlin, the capital of Germany, was also divided by four sectors. However, after the First World War, rivalry between the Western block and the Soviet Union began resulting in the Cold War.

In 1948, for the purpose of increasing their influence the Soviet Union caused a break in the supply of … to West Berlin which was occupied by the powers of the west. By the way, the Soviet strategy was to blockade the Western powers out of the city.

The Trigger: The Berlin Blockade

The Berlin Blockade, as it was called, started on 24th June 1948 when the Soviet Union shut all road, rail and waterways into West Berlin. This step was intended to cut the city off from the outside world and keep it thoroughly choked for supplies and totally subjugated to the Soviet dominated areas.

This led to a restriction of extremely crucial essentials in the country such as Food, coal and medical requisites. People in Berlin found themselves in the really bad conditions experiencing deficiencies of food supply, risk of starvation, and prospect of deep economic crisis.

The Response: The Berlin Airlift

The Western powers had no intention of retreat due to the blockade. After the war, with the United States in the lead, they began planning to build a city entirely supplied by aircraft. Berlin Airlift formally started on June 26, 1948 which is why this period marked a turning point in the history of Berlin.

Operation Vittles: A Newcastle Wonderful Performance of Logistics

Airlift described of as operation vittles was a very massive operation it involved a lot of planning and very strategized execution. It involved the prospect of flying daily, an average of 5,000 tons of supplies to the people of Berlin.

To this end, an airlift was organised, with planes landing in West Berlin from any number of airports in West Germany. Cargo planes like the Douglas C-47 Dakota and Douglas C-54 Skymaster flew tirelessly and it dropped and picked up supplies at impermanent installations within the city.

The airlift also had its difficulties. The pilots were to fly through these corridors with very narrow width, dramatic weather conditions, not to mention the chances of interference by the Soviets. Nevertheless, by employing the excellent devotion and purpose of the airlift crews, a constant stream of supplies was maintained for West Berlin.

The People’s Spirit: A City United

Curiously the Berlin Airlift was not only an exhibition of superiority of technology but also of determination and coming together of the people of Berlin. By the time our aircrafts fell at Tempelhof Airport Germans especially the Berliners always thronged the airport clapping and cheering the pilots and the crew members which was largely due to the support that had been availed to the formation.

In addition, the people of Berlin had a great stake in the success of the airlift operation. They were involved in the building of a temporary airport at night – Tempelhof airport more closely called Tegel Airport since it offered extra spurs for new arrivals. The result of /Berliners cooperation and determination symbolizes the never –giving –up spirit of the people.

The Resolution: Germany – The End of the Berlin Blockade

The Berlin Airlift lasted for almost a year, the blockade was not lifted until May 12, 1949. The airlift had been showed that the West was capable of supplying West Berlin with necessities and at the same time, acknowledging the aggression put forward by the Soviet Union.

After the blockade for some time, the situation in Berlin was different. The basic division between east and west Germany became more pronounced and ultimately the building of the Berlin wall in 1961. But, at the same time, the Berlin Airlift is still an inspiring memory and inspiring people who faced lots of difficulties.

The Legacy: Lessons Learned

This crisis, known as the Berlin Airlift, proved that one must be determined, creative, and have an operational alliance. It evidenced the commitment and/or capacity of nations to pool their resources to defend human’s rights and liberties regardless of ruthlessness hurdles.

All these gained lessons from the Berlin Airlift remain germane to this date. The actual performance and completion of logistics work as positive motivation for furthering self-fulfillment in search of a solution in an emergency. It also rekindles a message that despite differences in political or any other affiliation, people must ensure they press on with dialogue to look for friendly ways of sorting out their differences.

In conclusion, it is memorable that the Berlin Airlift took place as a result of the attempt by the Soviet Union to stop the supplies of foodstuff and other necessary items to West Berlin. By application of tactics, hard working and cooperation of the nations, the western powers achieved to provide the city through air largely and save a human tragedy. Ace of Airlift told the extraordinary story of how humans seized the opportunities and transformed a severe crisis into a victory of humanity and became immortal in the context of cold war.

Thank you for reading. If you're inspired by the stories of Berlin and want to delve deeper, why not join us on our Free Berlin Walking Tour? It's a wonderful way to immerse yourself in the city's rich history and vibrant culture. We look forward to welcoming you soon.


  • 3.5 hours walking tour
  • Berlin’s major highlights
  • Brandenburg Gate
  • Reichstag and Berlin Wall
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Free Walking Tour Berlin

When: Every day 10am & 12pm every day
Where: The meeting point is in front of the ehemaliges Kaiserliches Postfuhramt Berlin, Oranienburger Straße, 10117 Berlin, Germany, next to the entrance.
Price: Free